ILA Members vote in favour of adopting new Articles of Association
ILA Chair Virginie Lagrange & ILA CEO Philipp von Restorff at the 2nd EGM of 20 March 2024
ILA is pleased to announce that at yesterday's second Extraordinary General Meeting all of the 370 members present or represented have voted in favour of the adoption of the new Articles of Association.

Virginie Lagrange, Chair of ILA, comments: "With these new Articles of Association, we have modernised ILA and made it fit for the future”.

Essentially, the changes include the fact that the new articles of association have been drafted in English and adapted to the law of 7 August 2023 on non-profit organisations. In addition, the circle of members has been expanded to include all professionals in the field of corporate governance. The rules for admission to membership, the term of office and the requirements for eligibility for election to the ILA Board of Director have also be amended. In addition, digital voting will be made possible, which will considerably facilitate the organisation of the ILA Annual General Meeting.


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