AML/CFT: key considerations for the Fund industry

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Course outline

Thanks to their professional experience in the Investment Fund Industry, our experts will cover not only the fundamentals of the prevention of money laundering and the regulatory environment from a Luxembourg perspective, but also how to deal in case of suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing. This training will be interactive and practical examples will be used to enhance the learning.

This module gives a brief overview of the Anti-Money Laundering Legal & Regulatory Framework in Luxembourg, including the professional obligations applicable to entities involved in funds and the control framework which must be in place to comply with these. 

The role of the RR/RC will be explained. The module will focus on specific key operational challenges, the evolving requirements and expectations of Boards and types of failings identified by supervisors and auditors on AML/CFT controls. There will be any opportunity to ask questions on this vast and often complex subject. 

This module alone may not qualify as an annual AML/CFT training.

Course highlights

The main features of the program are:

  • Overview of the Legal & Regulatory Framework in Luxembourg and the professional obligations
  • Investment Fund Industry requirements for Board members and on the RR/RC roles, obligations and cooperation
  • Luxembourg AED expectations
  • Overview of AML oversight 
  • Operational issues and types of shortcomings identified by the regulator (CSSF) and by independent statutory auditors
  • Practical insights on reporting transactions, typical indicators 
  • Hot topics

Benefits of the program

The course will enable participants to get an understanding of the key concepts and responsibilities of the Directors as regards to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist financing. 

Case studies and real examples of issues involving Board members will be shared by our experts.

Target audience

  • Fund and investment management companies’ directors (UCITS, SIF, SICAR, RAIF,...), independent or in employment contracts
  • Managers responsible for funds and investment companies with management and/or supervisory responsibilities
  • Executives and managers of management companies and/or funds
  • Executives and managers (legal, domiciliation and compliance services) of service providers, e.g. depository banks, administrative and domiciliary agents
  • Lawyers specialising in investment funds
  • Auditors specialising in investment funds

Date & Time

06/02/2024 - 08:45


INNSiDE by Meliá Luxembourg

CPD hours

4.0 hours

Book your spot

Member fee : 375,00€ (VAT excl)

Non-member fee: 480,00€ (VAT excl)

register now

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Sophie DUPIN


Floriane LECOQ

Senior Manager 


 Conducting Officer


Partner - Forensic 
& Financial Crime

Richard VAN'T HOF

Managing Director 

Agenda and schedule*

*subject to change


An address must be specified for a map to be embedded

INNSiDE by Meliá Luxembourg

12 rue Henri M. Schnadt

2530 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Contact the organiser

Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs

[email protected]  | +352 26 49 58 5976