ILA Coffee Chat: Navigating Climate Responsibilities - Investor Obligations and Opportunities

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This session is the third appointment for a series of Coffee Chats organised in collaboration with ClientEarth.

This session will focus on the critical obligations of investors, asset owners and managers regarding climate change and human rights and will outline the way forward of Sustainable Finance.

Our expert speakers will focus on:

Duties of Asset Owners and Managers
- The duties of asset owners and managers to integrate climate change risks and opportunities into their decision-making processes

Legal and Regulatory Framework
- Overview of relevant regulations (e.g., UN Guiding Principles on Climate Change and Human Rights and the updated OECD Guidelines on Multi-national Enterprises) and their application to financial institutions and their clients

Fiduciary Duty and Climate Risk
- Case studies highlighting legal precedents,  communications from the United Nations, and investor actions
- Due diligence expectations and obligations on financial institutions when it comes to financing fossil fuels

Way forward of Sustainable Finance
- The role of LSFI and other initiatives in Luxembourg and abroad
- Upcoming regulations


  • Reyhan Gulec, Member of the ILA Sustainability Strategy Working Committee


  • Nicoletta Centofanti, CEO at Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI)
  • Sophie Marjanac, Lawyer at ClientEarth

Rewatch the first and second sessions of the series of Coffee Chats organised in collaboration with ClientEarth (Directors’ legal duties to manage the risks of climate changeand Understanding and Addressing Greenwashing Risk in the Boardroom) here.

Date & Time

05/07/2024 - 09:00



CPD hours

1.0 hour

Book your spot

Member fee : 00,00€

Non-member fee: 50,00€ (VAT excl.)

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Reyhan GULEC

Member of the Sustainability Strategy Working Committee



Agenda and schedule


An address must be specified for a map to be embedded

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi 

1615 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Contact the organiser

Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs  | +352 26 49 58 5963