ILA Fund Directors' Forum

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Retailisation of Alternatives

We look forward to welcoming you to this Forum where we will be discussing the Retailisation (or Democratisation) of Alternative Funds. The panel of experts from across the industry will look at the challenges of his new investor base through a NED lens, and will cover the changing regulatory landscape (of ELTIF 2.0 and AIFMD 2), liquidity and risk management, operational challenges and investment vehicle structuring. 
As always, we hope for an interactive session with participants to get a broader understanding of the challenges that NED are facing. If you are a NED with UCITS mandates, we would also like to welcome you in order to learn from your experience.

The ILA Fund Governance Committee has created a Forum designed to provide a proactive discussion amongst Board Members, on a Chatham House Rules basis, regarding key topics they face in the execution of their activities, supported by insights from ALFI, ILA and prominent law and audit firms. The format of the Forum is such that typically each session will be focused on a specific topic, but the discussion is not limited to only that topic. Suggestions for future topics of discussion are welcome.

The Forum is not intended to be an exclusive one, but to ensure that the events are effective and taking the capacity constraints into account; the following attendance principles shall apply:

  • Each Fund can be represented by 1 Board Member (person must be exercising role of a Board Member and shall include the name of the Fund they are representing in the registration)
  • Each ManCo/AIFM can be represented by 1 Board Member (person must be exercising role of a Board Member and shall include the name of the ManCo/AIFM they are representing in the registration)
  • Participants are expected to actively contribute to the discussion

Practical information

A confirmation email will be sent to the registrants. As we are limited in terms of capacity, we will be taking registrations on a  first come-first served  basis. In case of cancellation, participants should give notice at least 3 days prior to the event to allow other people to register to the Forum.

We are running the Director Forum Series on a  quarterly basis  and welcome your feedback on which topics would be of interest to you for future sessions. In case of questions, please feel free to contact us at:  [email protected]

Date & Time

29/06/2023 - 08:30



CPD hours

1.5 hours

Book your spot

Member fee : 00,00€

Non-member fee: 30,00€  (VAT excl.)

register now

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Northern Trust Global Services


MV Credit

Virginie LEBBE

Non-Executive Director


Non-Executive Director

Sandrine MULLER



Non-Executive Director

Agenda and schedule


An address must be specified for a map to be embedded

Elvinger Hoss Prussen SA 
5 Place Winston Churchill BP 425

L-1340 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Contact the organiser

Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs

[email protected]  | +352 26 49 58 5963