ALESSANDRONI Johann, Excellium Services S.A.

ALESSANDRONI Johann, Excellium Services S.A.

Johann Alessandroni works in the security field in Luxembourg since 10 years. During this time, Johann has covered high responsibility positions, projects with high added value as well as a wide variety of topics related to information security. He possesses a wide range of skills and experiences that enable him to perform multiple roles from steering and driving the security strategy for an organization to the implementation of security measures.

Johann also has specific expertise in security auditing, risk management, information security strategy and business continuity. He teaches Master 2 course at the University of Lorraine (France) and Master 2 courses at the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg). He is a speaker at multiple events on cybersecurity strategy and operational implementation, information security risk management and security best practices in general.

From 2013 to 2016, prior to join Excellium Services, Johann was Chief Information Security Officer for Labgroup where he achieves to lead the company to several certifications (ISO 27001, ISO 9001, PSDC-DC) as well as managing the compliance of the company with regard to the legal requirements (support PFS status).

In his previous position, Johann participated actively in the creation of the unique information security certification body in Luxembourg, where he was then in charge of managing the organisation's compliance with all regulatory entities (OLAS, COFRAC), managing and organising certification audits and carrying out certification audits (ISO 27001, ISO 22301, eIDAS Regulation, PSDC, etc.) for dozens of companies around the world (~30 countries).

Since 2019, Johann works at Excellium Services as the point of contact for information security strategy and governance aspects. He is in charge of the Information Security Governance team (more than 20 consultants dedicated to security governance). Within this position, Johann leads the Information Security Governance team, develops new services and approaches and drives clients’ information security initiatives. It is the point of reference for all information security governance missions for all Excellium Services clients around the world. His mother tongue is French, and he speaks English.