RZONZEF Michel, Leodium S.à r.l.

RZONZEF Michel, Leodium S.à r.l.

Michel Rzonzef held C-suite executive roles at Goodyear company for 30 years. He was member of the global leadership and was Officer of the Company. He led the Company fast growth and established lasting leadership in Emerging Markets (EEMEA), before taking the leadership of the Company’s Europe respective business units. There, he drove growth by transforming the business model from a traditional product sales to client based  solutions. He now pivoted his activities toward helping Entrepreneurs and Companies develop and implement winning growth strategies. Building upon 15 years experience in International Boards, he currently occupies several Independent Director roles, amongst which President of the Board at SGI (Société Générale d’Ingénierie), Board member at LBAN (Luxembourg Business Angel Network) and founding member of BML (Business Mentoring Luxembourg). Michel holds a master as engineer in Aerospace, followed by Executive education at Harvard and Insead. He is an INSEAD / ILA certified Director.