VON RESTORFF Philipp, ILA - Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs

VON RESTORFF Philipp, ILA - Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs

Philipp von Restorff is currently CEO and Chair of the Executive Committee of ILA, the Luxembourg Institute of Directors. Previously, he was Deputy CEO at Luxembourg for Finance (LFF), the Agency for the development of Luxembourg Financial Centre.

He represented LFF as a member of the Board of Directors of the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI) and of LuxFLAG, the Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency for Responsible Investment. Prior to his appointment as Deputy CEO of LFF, he was Head of Communications at the Luxembourg Banking Association (ABBL), where he also held the position of Secretary to the Board of Directors. From 2014-2018, Philipp was Chairman of the European Banking Federation's Steering Committee on Communications and CSR.