Corporate Governance Officer Certification

Certification in Company Secretarial & Governance Practice (CGO Certification)

Cohort 14 is sold out.

Register now for Cohort  15 (see dates below).


Become Certified in Company Secretarial & Governance Practice with the ILA 8 modules programme

We are looking for

Board support personnel, such as current and aspiring Corporate Governance Officers, Company Secretaries, including Law Professionals, who support and advise the Board of Directors and Managers, and who wish to increase their understanding of corporate governance concepts.

Cohort 14 and 15

Cohort 14 (Sold out)

Module 1 - 16 hr

Fundamentals of Luxembourg Law for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs)

8 & 9 July 2024 

Module 2 - 8 hr

Boards and Board meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) 

10 July 2024 

Module 3 - 8 hr

Shareholders & Shareholders’ meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs)

11 July 2024 

Module 4 - 4 hr

Managing and communicating company data 

12 July 2024 

Module 5 - 8 hr

Accounting & Tax for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) 

13 January 2025 

Module 6 - 16 hr

Luxembourg Corporate Governance & Company Administration in practice 

14 & 15 January 2025 

Module 7 - 8 hr

Contract Law Fundamentals for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) 

16 January 2025 

Module 8 - 4h

Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) Leading through integrity 

17 January 2025 

Cohort 15 (Open for registration)

Module 1 

Fundamentals of Luxembourg Law for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (16h) 

24 & 25 September 2024 

Module 2 

Boards and Board meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h) 

17 October 2024 

Module 3 

Shareholders & Shareholders’ meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h) 

19 November 2024 

Module 4 

Managing and communicating company data (4h) 

10 December 2024 

Module 5 

Accounting & Tax for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h) 

04 February 2025 

Module 6 

Luxembourg Corporate Governance & Company Administration in practice (16h) 

11 & 12 March 2025 

Module 7 

Contract Law Fundamentals for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h) 

24 April 2025 

Module 8 

Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) Leading through integrity (4h) 

15 May 2025 

Main advantages of the certification 


2 pillars of 4 mandatory modules. , While pillar 1 must precede pillar 2, they can be taken at multiple periods of time (within  a 3 years timeframe), offering flexibility to participants


Our exclusive certification offers the opportunity to exchange with your peers and to officially validate your experience in the form of a certificate.

Continuous Development

By completing Continuous Professional Development hours, Certified members maintain their professional skills at high level

Extra visibility

Relevant visibility on ILA website and attendance to tailor made events with highly qualifed external speakers

How to become Certified in Company Secretarial & Governance Practice ?

Meet the entry criteria

Open-entry: no previous specific qualification or experience is required to enter the program. However, we require the participant to:

  • Be a ILA Member
  • Sign the ILA Code of Conduct (incl. CPD Commitment)
  • Submit a full application file to ILA
  • On acceptance, payment of the fee
Attend the pillars and modules

2 Pillars of four mandatory modules each: Pillar 1 must precede Pillar 2.

To qualify for the Certificate, all 8 modules must be completed within a limited timeframe of 3 years, and the exams must be passed successfully.

Modules are conducted in English, and are limited to 25 participants per module, for enhanced interaction.

Please note that priority will be given to candidates who commit and register for the full program.

Pass the certification exam

Each Pillar will be assessed by a 2-hour multiple choice exam , exam sessions will be held four times a year (January, March, July and September), exams are limited to 2 attempts

Become  Certified

Once your certificate is delivered to you, you will be registered on the list of ILA Certified members in Company Secretarial & Governance Practice. You will then engage by the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) process in participating in additional training programmes and in remaining an ILA member.

The training sessions

Pillar one

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Luxembourg Law for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (16h)

The module will cover the key points of Luxembourg Law, plus related practice, which every Corporate Governance Officer should know. The module will include various case studies, which bring the content to life in a practical context.

Module 2 - Boards & board meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h)

As a key element influencing Board effectiveness, the 
Corporate Governance Officer plays a major role in the efficient functioning of Board meetings by preparing meetings, advising the Board, ensuring timely and effective information flows within the Board, and between the Board and its Committees or Senior Management.

Module 3 - Shareholders & Shareholders' meetings organisation for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h)   

It often falls to the Corporate Governance Officer to deal with practical and company law issues in relation to Shareholders, to act as an intermediary between the Board and the Shareholders and to coordinate the Shareholders’ decision-making strategy, amendments of articles of association, appointment and removal of Board members, approval of annual accounts, or dissolution of a company. Therefore, ensuring that all Shareholder decisions are taken in compliance with the applicable legislation is one of the Corporate Governance Officer’s major roles.

Module 4 -Managing & Communicating company data (4h)


Companies are overwhelmed by an increasing number of documents and data of all kinds. The Corporate Governance Officer cannot avoid this trend in performing his or her duties. On the contrary, the Corporate Governance Officer is even in charge of keeping and storing corporate documents, it is needless to underscore their importance for the company.

Pillar two

Module 5 - Accounting & tax for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h)

The purpose of this specific training is to offer a hands-on
experience rather than a theoretical class and provide Corporate Governance Officers with practical knowledge on accounting and tax reporting, including (i) by monitoring compliance within the scope and extent of accounting and tax reporting obligations and (ii)
by making sense of reports, taking into account the nature and
limitations of accounting and financial reporting.
Module 6 - Luxembourg Corporate Governance & company administration in practice (16h)

This module examines the role of the Corporate Governance Officer in promoting and reinforcing good corporate governance across an
organisation by ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations as well as good practice. In particular, it explains the role of the Corporate Governance Officer in devising and overseeing appropriate compliance systems and processes so that the company and its directors are compliant with Luxembourg corporate laws, regulations and the company’s statutes. The module also examines corporate secretaryship practices.

Module 7 - Contract law fundamentals for Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) (8h)

This module aims to facilitate the understanding of contract law in a business environment. It covers the crucial ingredients required for setting up a good contract and provides tips for understanding contractual material. It also scrutinises what happens when things go wrong, including offering options for assessing damages and remedies for breach. Finally, the main features of contracts entered into by regulated entities and listed companies will be overviewed.

Module 8 - Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) leading through integrity (4h)

Integrity means the respect of a consistent framework of ethical or
moral principles based upon a core group of values, beyond formal
codes of conduct and regulations. As scandals have decimated share
prices and Board credibility, integrity has become one of the critical elements of corporate governance that companies are looking to reinforce. As a result, the Board’s approach to integrity has to spread outward from the Boardroom in order to permeate the whole culture of an organisation. Indeed, it is required, more than ever, to be considered nowadays by a Corporate 
Governance Officer.


4,320.00€ (+VAT 3%)

Registration is only possible for members.  If you wish to become a member,  please  consult the  following page .

Please note that ILA is authorized as a provider of continuing vocational training by the Ministry of Education (agreement dated 11 October 2011).


If you wish to apply for the Certification in Company Secretarial & Governance Practice (CGO Certification), please fill in the attached application form. 

Reach out to for more info.



Cohorts up to 12 (in person)*

Deadline to submit the exam entry form 16/08/2024
Exam date 12/09/2024* 
(limited to 4 persons per session)

* The exam registration form must be filled in and returned by email

Cohort 13 (online)

Pillar 2 Attempt 1
 From 27/06/2024 (09:00) – 01/07/2024 (18:00)
Pillar 1 Attempt 2 | Pillar 2 Attempt 2
From 11/07/2024 (09:00) – 15/07/2024 (18:00)


Cohort 14 (online)

Pillar 1 Attempt 1
From 19/09/2024 (09:00) to 23/09/2024 (18:00)
Pillar 1 Attempt 2
From 21/11/2024 (09:00) to 25/11/2024 (18:00)
Pillar 2 Attempt 1 From 27/03/2025 (09:00) to 31/03/2025 (18:00)
Pillar 1 Attempt 2 | Pillar 2 Attempt 2  From 24/04/2025 (09:00) to 28/04/2025 (18:00)


Cohort 15 (online)

Pillar 1 Attempt 1
From 16/01/2025 (09:00) to 20/01/2025 (18:00)
Pillar 1 Attempt 2
From 27/03/2025 (09:00) to 31/03/2025 (18:00)
Pillar 2 Attempt 1 From 26/06/2025 (09:00) to 30/06/2025 (18:00)
Pillar 1 Attempt 2 | Pillar 2 Attempt 2  From 18/09/2025 (09:00) to 22/09/2025 (18:00)

About Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Continuous commitment

To maintain the certified level, ILA asks its members to continuously update their skills and knowledge.

The certified members make a commitment to perform a minimum of 6 hours of training per year by participating in relevant courses or seminars.

ILA undertakes every effort to facilitate access to high-level professional education to all. For that purpose, ILA proposes training programs that are varied and adapted to the professional needs. ILA also updates its training catalogue on a regular basis and shall assure notably that certified Corporate Governance Officers (CGOs) will have access to a continuous update of their skills. 

ILA also organizes conferences (e.g., breakfast briefing series) on topical matters of interest on a regular basis.

Our CPD program is designed to meet the needs of today’s environment.

Individual training leave 

The certification programmes organised by ILA are eligible for individual training leave granted by the Luxembourg Ministry of Education (MENEJ).  

Please note that the information provided below can be subject to changes at any time. The website of the MENEJ is to be considered as the official source of information related to the Individual Training Leave. Please refer to it for any question you may have.

What is the Individual Training Leave

Individual training leave is a special type of leave that is granted to allow applicants to: 

  • attend training courses, and prepare for and sit exams; or 
  • engage in any other activity undertaken as part of an eligible training course.

Who can apply

The following persons who work in the private sector can be eligible for individual training leave: 

  • employees; 
  • self-employed workers; 
  • freelancers.

Individual training leave is paid for: 

  • by the employer, if the applicant is employed; 
  • by the State, if the applicant is self-employed. 


The request must be submitted 2 months before the start of the leave requested.

Documents to be submitted to the MENEJ

Here is the list of the training-related documents that are required, among other things, to apply for training leave from the  MENEJ :  

  • The training registration certificate with the total number of hours (course, exam, etc.). This document is not provided automatically; please send your request by email to to obtain it.  
  • The training programme is included in the "ILA Certification Policy CoSec 2024". These details are also included in the registration confirmation emailed to the registrant.
  • The invoice for the training which will be sent by email to the participant and/or to the company's contact person once the registration has been confirmed.
  • The certificate of attendance of each module will be sent via an automated email from our LMS platform once the module has been attended. 

How to submit your request

Please refer to the following websites for further information and submission instructions.

 Our Corporate Lead Trainers