ESG Resource Centre

Find out ILA resources dedicated to ESG regulations, the EU Green Deal, Sustainability reporting (CSRD), Diversity & Inclusion, and more.



Articles written by ILA members, ILA working committees, and partners.

 ILA and LuxFLAG partner up to further enhance Governance and Sustainability in Luxembourg

Women in the boardroom: gender diversity at the top in Luxembourg 

A conversation with Yuriko Backes, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity

 ILA Celebrates Diversity Day 2024!

  Claude Marx on the necessity of board diversity

The “G” in ESG is key to delivering on the Paris Agreement

Fiduciary duties and governance post-SFDR implementation

SFDR: a Private Equity perspective

Luxembourg company boards: under pressure to meet strategic and sustainability goals

ILA and EWOB partner for greater gender equality in boardrooms  

Ethics, ESG and the Corona Age


Reports developed by the Sustainability Strategy Committee and in collaboration with partners.

Board Sustainability Competency Assessment

Governance PIVOTs to Sustainability

Training and Programmes

In-depth courses and programmes, from zero to expert.

 ILA Mentoring Programme

ESG Reporting obligations for Boards

Module 3 of Reporting Obligations for Boards

ESG Developments for Fund Directors

Module 8 of the Fund Governance Masterclass

The sustainability imperative for Boards

Module 7 of The Essentials Luxembourg - Certifications for Experienced Directors

Coffee Chats

One-hour online discussions with guest speakers and live Q&A.

Coffee Chat series in collaboration with ClientEarth

The A-to-Z process for board directors to embed sustainability into their organization's strategy


ILA is a proud signatory of several initiatives in the framework of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I).

Diversity Charter 

The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg  is a national commitment text proposed for signature to any organisation in Luxembourg wishing to commit to diversity promotion and management through concrete actions that go beyond legal obligations.

European Women On Boards (EWOB)  

ILA has partnered with EWOB  towards greater gender equality in boardrooms.

ILA and EWOB have also agreed to share information and collaborate on gender equality data analysis and the implementation of the EU Directive on Women on Boards.

Project VERO

Visibility + Engagement + Recognition = Opportunity 

In the framework of the Diversity Charter, Project VER=O is ILA's best practice towards the definition of a diversity policy. The objective is to reach gender equity in ILA committees & panels and at ILA events, and aim for gender equity attendance at ILA training and events.

My Pledge

My Pledge is an initiative aimed at ensuring more diversity at public events in line with the recent #NoWomenNoPanel initiative.

Meet the Sustainability Strategy Working Committee​ 

ILA creates the resources dedicated to ESG thanks to the expertise of its Sustainability Strategy Working Committee. The objective of the Sustainability Strategy Committee is to encourage and support the ILA members in embracing, developing, and monitoring ESG strategies in their boards and as such, seizing opportunities sustainability creates in all sectors.


Meet the Nomination and Remuneration Working Committee​ 

ILA creates the resources dedicated to ESG thanks to the expertise of its Nomination & Remuneration Committee.  The Nomination & Remuneration Committee raises awareness among Boards of the benefits generated by a balanced and diverse Board composition (experience, backgrounds, expertise, thought, age, gender, and other appropriate tenures) and identifies, prepares, and mentors high-potential individuals as future Board candidates beyond the typical field of view.


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