Creating A Sustainable Mindset, 21st Century leaders in your organisation

 21st Century Imperative

The dynamic business world of the 21st Century requires leadership to be up to date with the latest scientific advancements, in particular regarding the requirements for sustainability and how to achieve this. A study from June 2021 of the Boards Directors of Fortune 100 companies highlighted a lack of commitment in this regard by leaders in most organisations. Most of these individuals’ experience is rooted in their professional lives, as executives and as directors. Most are not exposed directly to the latest scientific understanding, and in the 21st Century this could be a major shortcoming in the quest for business success.

The Challenge 

Building teams of knowledge-driven leaders enables businesses and communities to thrive in a sustainable fashion. Business schools and governance institutions are evolving to meet the requirements for creating 21st Century business leaders who have the skills to take their organisations forward. Failure in this regard leads to insufficient agility and a lack of urgency regarding challenges related to the climate, our societies, public health and our economies. We are living through serious times, with current difficulties being made harder to solve due to a lack of effective action over recent decades, particularly regarding fossil fuel use.

Since 1987 – when the UN commissioned the Bruntland report ‘Our Common Future’ – global politicians and business leaders have paid insufficient attention to the climate, resulting in the current emergency situation. Many simply denied the seriousness of the challenge, dismissing the need to implement sustainability strategies and action. The result is our planet recording a temperature increase of +1.2°C above that seen at the start of the industrial revolution.

Reports from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change and the World Meteorological Organization in 2022 warn of a heightened risk of unprecedented economic damage from the effects of a warming climate. If temperatures rise by anything from +1.5°C to 3.7°C the financial cost could be between US $ 54 trillion to US $ 515 trillion. The size of the challenge is stark.

 The Opportunity 

We believe there is an urgent need to build 21st Century Leadership teams which are motivated by realistic, science-led, sustainability driven principles. We have created a curriculum which can serve as a Board/C Suite Strategy agenda; a ‘21st Century Model MasterClass’. It links the three key emergencies, related to the climate, health and society, and the economy. This program is also informed by the three major disruptors of our contemporary world: geopolitical disturbance, new technology, and the sustainability governance revolution. Together this program will give you the understanding needed to build a resilient framework for your organisation. While it is impossible to eliminate every threat, 21st Century Board Leaders are able to act proactively with strategies and action plans that can minimize many types of risk.

Sandra Denis

Advisor, Ministry of Finance

"As a participant of a previous edition, I wanted to share the two things I liked most about the masterclass.
Firstly, the way a board subject like climate change is tackled by splitting it up in several topics.
Secondly, the teaching itself. With training sessions followed by panel discussions, it gives you the opportunity to listen to experts and exchange with them.
I hope you will like the class as much as I did!"

Eric Magrini


"My main takeaway from this inspiring masterclass is the effective demonstration that if you , as a board member, seek proactively to have a positive influence on climate, people, and planet well-being, while making your strategic decisions, you increase the probability that your company reaches long-term prosperity, resilience, and sustainability.
Let’s make it happen!"


The MasterClass is a 7 (seven) modules of 2h each which will be delivered in person, complimented by a Panel discussion covering ALL Emergencies and ALL Disruptions.

Each Module is a key building block to help the participants to end the MasterClass with a 21st Century Strategy for the organization.

Every module is addressed through a sustainability lens.

  • Module 1: Introduction to the “21st Century Leadership model and strategy template” and the reality of Global risks.
  • Module 2: The Climate Emergency and Response Strategy
  • Module 3: The Health and Social Emergency and Response Strategy
  • Module 4: The Economic Emergency and Response Strategy
  • Module 5: New Technology Disruption and Strategic Opportunities
  • Module 6: Geo-Political Disruption – Challenges and Opportunities
  • Module 7: Governance Disruption and Overview of Key learning by Module 

The MasterClass will be delivered 100% by Practitioners. The recommended enrolment is between 20 to 30 executives, representing 5 to 6 organisations with a multifunctional team led by a Board Director and C-Suite members from (Finance, Operations, Sustainability, NPD, Marketing). 
Timing: 25, 26 and 27 April 2023, Luxembourg (see below for more information).

Each Company team / participant will be inspired to develop a company specific “21st Century Leadership Model strategy” using a focused template by module. Each company keen to build 21st Century leaders with a sustainability mind set will be encouraged to send a multi -functional team of 3 to 4 persons.

Whilst encouraging the above, all Individual participants representing a company are welcome and will be helped with influencing the Board and leadership teams.

The Company specific, “21st Century Leadership Model Strategy template” will be reviewed by Dr Ravi Fernando and Raymond Schadeck to give feedback to each Company team represented in a planned manner within a week post the sessions, giving time for the formulation of a draft strategy focused on 2022-2025.

The objective is that every multifunctional team/participant takes back a proposal to their company Board/CEO to build on and create a ‘21st Century Leadership Model Strategy’ which is science-led and sustainability inspired based on what they have learned. Every participant should be able to answer the question, “What did you learn and how will it benefit our company?” 



  • A Multi-functional Team of Science led, Sustainability driven leaders who drive the 21st Century Leadership
  • model Strategy from development to implementation.
  • A Team of Science led, Sustainability mind set leaders who prioritize PLANET /PEOPLE > PROFIT in decision making and resource allocation.
  • An executive of 21st Century Leaders who have an urgency to impact the Code red for humanity/business and the Climate Emergency.
  • A 21st Century Leadership Model Strategy Template which could form the future BOARD agenda once approved by the Board /C Suite.

    The above are the 4 traits of 21st Century leadership Model driven Leaders.


The program is ideally for:

  • Multi-functional teams of 3-4 from the company/organization comprising a mix of representatives fromthe following functions:
    - A Board member leading sustainability
    - Functional heads of Sustainability/Finance/ Operations/ Legal/ Marketing/ Sales/ Supply Chain/ QA/IT
  • C Suite managers
    - Heads of Department/Divisional Managers
  • Middle Managers engaged in delivering business strategy from the following functions:
    - Sustainability/ Finance/ Operations/ Legal/ Marketing/ Sales/ Supply Chain/ QA


The MasterClass is a 7 (seven) modules of 2h each which will be delivered full in person

Aline Voltzenlogel - Education & Events Officer | +352 26 49 58 5976

Practical details


17.30 hours


1250€ for Multi-functional teams of min 3 participants

1500€ for ILA & IMS members
2000€ for non-members

More information?

Check here if this course is currently offered:


You didn't see the course on the list, but you would like to take it? Please contact us at Once we have received a sufficient number of requests from interested participants we will get back to you with a date.