CHAMBOURDON Stanislas, KPMG Luxembourg

CHAMBOURDON Stanislas, KPMG Luxembourg

Stanislas started his career as banking auditor in Paris and joined KPMG Luxembourg in 1998. Now, Stanislas is leading the Banking and Insurance line of business for KPMG Luxembourg and is also Lead Engagement Partner on several significant banks for audit and advisory.

He has over 20 years experience in the banking industry in Luxembourg and Paris, having worked with a wide range of banking clients. Through the various audit and advisory projects that he is currently leading (e.g. client transformation, ECB agenda and Risk/data management, credit and custody), Stanislas has a large experience of the private banking environment and their associated challenges.

Stanislas is a member of the IRE Banking committee and is also the Chair of the ILA Banking committee.

He is also assisting and participating to the Advisory Private Banking Panel at the ABBL, the ABBL accounting commission and the banking supervision committee.

He was in charge of the AQR review for Luxembourg and is member of the KPMG AQR European tasks force.