"So you want to be a Director?" - Practical aspects to organise yourself as a Non-Executive Director

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Course outline

The purpose of this specific training is to provide people who are considering to work as , or who recently began to work as directors, with the knowledge they need to understand various issues related to how they may wish to structure and market themselves as Directors, including overviews of personal tax and related obligations.

Course highlights

The main features of the course are:

  • What you need to know to become a Director
  • What you need to set yourself up as a Director
  • Daily management and other ongoing considerations
  • Positioning yourself for success

Benefits of the course

This course will enable participants to:

  • Identify the role and responsibilities of a Director in relation to their own professional and legal obligations
  • Discuss with contemporaries current development, trends and topical issues

The course will also use practical case studies for participants to discuss and analyse specific scenarios

Target audience

This course is dedicated to Executive or Non-Executive Directors wishing to develop their career as a Director, and to better organize and promote themselves.

Date & Time

06/11/2024 - 08:45


Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg

CPD hours

7.0 hours

Book your spot

Member fee : 540,00€

Non-member fee: 865,00€

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Non-Executive Director



Joachim KUSKE

Non-Executive Director


Flux Advisors Sàrl


Amrop Luxembourg

Sacha THILL 

KPMG Luxembourg 

Agenda and schedule


An address must be specified for a map to be embedded

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi 

1615 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Contact the organiser

Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs

events@ila.lu  | +352 26 49 58 5963