Course outline
Welcome to the third edition of the ILA Forum for Directors of Luxembourg based insurance and reinsurance undertakings. The insurance industry is an important pillar of the Luxembourg financial center and it is key for Directors of insurance and reinsurance companies to possess the required skills and knowledge to be able to exercise their duties and responsibilities in an environment of ever complex regulations and increased expectations in terms of good governance and transparency from all stakeholders -including the Regulators. This Forum will combine presentations on technical or business topics with interviews and panel discussions of key market players in Luxembourg.
It will also offer networking opportunities with a cocktail and a dinner afterwards.
The main features of the program are:
- Update on the insurance regulatory framework (including accounting aspects) and impact on the duties of Board Members
- Exchange of views through panels of Board Members and CEOs of Luxembourg insurance companies
- Main industry trends, including the ACA and CAA perspectives
- Deep dive on ESG
Benefits of the course
- An up-to-date perspective on the duties and responsibilities of Directors of insurance and reinsurance companies
- A unique opportunity to hear the views of key market players
- Specific focus on “hot topics” of the Board agenda eg, IFRS 17, ESG, CAA Circular on governance etc.
Target audience
Sitting and aspiring Directors, professionals catering to the insurance industry.
Date & Time
CPD hours
5.0 hours
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Agenda and schedule
Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg
6 Rue du Fort Niedergruenewald
L-2226 Kirchberg - Luxembourg
Contact the organiser
Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs
[email protected]
| +352 26 49 58 5963